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The water contamination at Camp Lejeune is one of the worst incidents of water pollution in U.S. history. Reports suggest that close to one million military personnel, their family members, and civilians who worked and resided in this region, bathed in, cooked in, and even drank this tainted water for several decades.

It was in August 1953 that the toxins began polluting the water systems. Noticing this, the government had to shut down the water supply completely in 1987. The contaminated water led to several life-threatening ailments such as liver damage, birth defects, cancers of several types, kidney disease, infertility, and Parkinson’s disease.

The harmful waters of Camp Lejeune have had an extensive impact. The ones who lost their loved ones or developed fatal ailments were family members, workers, and military members across a vast age spectrum. Women affected by the water experienced stillbirths and miscarriages.

The affected victims have the chance to file a lawsuit and seek the compensation they deserve. In this article, we will shed light on the factors that they should consider while fighting for their case in court.

The Legal Recourse for Victims

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) provided minimal medical coverage and disability benefits for specific ailments linked with this water contamination. But simultaneously, the VA had erroneously and unfairly denied several of these claims for many years.

Additionally, the law didn’t enable victims to search for compensation in federal court for their damages, pain, or suffering. Then came the CLJA (Camp Lejeune Justice Act) in August 2022, which allowed victims to sue the government for their losses by filing a lawsuit.

There are many things that you need to learn about filing your Camp Lejeune contaminated water lawsuit. It includes how you choose a lawyer who best understands your requirements and presents your case in court so that the verdict is in your favor. Important factors to consider are:

Knowing Your Eligibility

It is necessary to know whether you qualify to file a Camp Lejeune lawsuit. For this, you should have the necessary documents to prove that you stayed for at least 30 days at Camp Lejeune between 1953 and 1987 and were exposed to the toxic waters.

For instance, if you developed Parkinson’s disease or any other types of cancer like leukemia, liver, bladder, pancreatic, or prostate cancer, you need to provide your lawyer with correct medical documents that establish your claim.

Ultimately, it is the lawyer who will decide whether you are eligible to file a lawsuit after assessing your case.

Collecting Substantial Evidence

Accurate evidence is the keystone of any successful mass tort or personal injury case. TorHoerman Law states that proofs linked to water contamination might comprise several documents about you or a loved one spending adequate time at the Marine Corps base. A few essential pieces of evidence that you need to collect are medical records, travel records, medical bills, documents that show you were a resident of this region, and other healthcare data.

Usually, a lawyer will include every relevant evidence and ensure that they build a strong case. That way, there is a big chance that the verdict is in your favor and you receive fair compensation.

Determining Liability

When you work with a lawyer, they will establish liability for your legal case. Defendants or the liable parties might include the federal government and any other regulatory and governmental agencies. It can comprise any business that has resulted in polluted water supplies. Additionally, it can include a group or any person who acted negligently, which led to your ailment diagnosis or injury.

Know About the Ailments

Victims need to prove that their disease is a result of getting exposed to the contaminated water in Camp Lejeune. However, it is also necessary to be aware of ailments that are caused by harmful chemicals present in the water supplies. 16 such diseases are:

  • Breast Cancer
  • Esophageal Cancer
  • Bladder Cancer
  • Bladder Cancer
  • Cervical Cancer
  • Liver Cancer
  • Kidney Cancer
  • Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
  • Aplastic Anemia
  • Adult Leukemia
  • Lung cancer
  • Renal Toxicity
  • Multiple Myeloma
  • Scleroderma
  • Hepatic Steatosis
  • Infertility In Women
  • Neurobehavioral Effects such as Parkinson’s Disease & ALS

Other than these, a few other diseases include ovarian cancer, stomach cancer, and miscarriage.


It is one of the essential factors to consider because there have been delays in settlement payouts. There are several reasons for this, from a lack of staff to funding issues that need to be resolved. Hence, it is necessary to listen to your lawyer and work in cooperation with them to ensure that you receive your compensation sooner.

Finally, it is necessary for victims affected by the polluted waters at Camp Lejeune to file a lawsuit and seek justice for their suffering. It doesn’t just ensure that they get covered for the damages they have endured, it also helps to raise awareness about ailments the contaminated waters have caused. Furthermore, with rising cases, there will be pressure on the government and concerned officials to expedite the claims process to ensure people start getting their settlement amount faster.

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